How to get your team involved in climate issues
Reading time: 2 minutes
Reading time: 2 minutes
Faced with a comparable offer, 8 out of 10 employees would opt for a company committed to the ecological transition. These are the findings of a survey conducted by the CSA Institute for ADEME and LinkedIn. Faced with the challenges of climate change, companies can no longer content themselves with isolated initiatives or simply comply with regulatory obligations. The growing expectations of citizens and employees also play a crucial role in companies’ commitment to the climate.
The climatic commitment of employees and management is therefore crucial to the success of organizational transformation projects.
We gathered for you all the tips you need on how to get your team involved in climate issues of Thomas Wansart. Thomas Wansart is an expert in climate awareness and founder of Neo&Nea (a platform providing citizens with all the information they need about the climate and its preservation).
There is no ready-made recipe for raising awareness of climate issues within an organization, but rather a subtle balance to be struck.
This balance is based on a combination of different elements:
Organize workshops and training sessions, provide books, videos, conferences, etc. to inform employees about environmental issues.
Communicate transparently and regularly on the company’s climate strategy, current and future changes, and progress made. This communication must be adapted to the target audience, that it is comprehensible to them and that it engages them.
Allocate time, resources and means to implement concrete actions, from small initiatives to more ambitious projects. These actions must of course be in line with your strategy and contribute effectively to reducing your organization’s impact on the climate.
Ces différentes étapes ne doivent pas être considérées de manière linéaire, mais plutôt comme un processus continu et interactif. Chaque action entreprise dans l’une de ces dimensions enrichit et renforce les autres pour progresser vers une culture et des pratiques plus durables.
Management support is essential to facilitate the mobilization of the entire organization.
Pleasant, fun and rewarding moments for employees will help to get them more involved.
Raising awareness and getting your team involved in climate issues takes time. It’s not enough to carry out one or two actions, it’s a long-term process.
« Sensibiliser peut être assimilé à la pêche. D’abord, il faut identifier le poisson pour choisir le bon matériel, le bon appât. Ensuite il faut être être patient, relancer sa ligne aussi longtemps que nécessaire. Dit autrement, il faut comprendre à qui on parle, utiliser la bonne approche, les bons arguments et le bon déclencheur en les adaptant à chaque personne. Puis répéter, réessayer, patienter jusqu’à ce la pièce tombe… ou pas. »
Thomas Wansart, Fondateur de Neo&Nea
This approach will enrich the exchange, enabling us to tackle the issues in greater depth, and understand each other’s positions, so we can better understand the issues at stake and the steps underway.
Assess your team’s level of knowledge and tailor resources to their understanding and preferences (podcasts, books, videos, etc.).
Maintenant que vous avez compris quels sont les piliers et les règles d’or de la sensibilisation climatique, il est temps de passer à l’action ! Découvrez les 9 ressources à utiliser pour sensibiliser vos collaborateur.trices dans notre article de blog dédié.