Communicate about your sustainability strategy with the new Carbon Strategy Page


Reading time: 2-3 minutes


Communicating about your carbon report and carbon strategy can be challenging. To avoid greenwashing, you need a solid knowledge of the dos and don’ts of responsible communication. At the same time, you want to present the data in an easily digestible way.

We’ve created the Carbon Strategy Page (CSP) to facilitate companies’ communication on their carbon strategy quickly and transparently. After listening to our carbon experts and our community of partners and clients, our product and dev team has revamped the CSP, making it even more customisable, precise, and transparent.



Overview of the features of the CSP


The revamped CSP is structured to provide a comprehensive view of a company’s carbon footprint and its strategic approach to managing and reducing it. Here’s an overview of what the new CSP offers:


1. Overview

In this section, you will have a summary of your carbon strategy and a company presentation. You will see your company’s total emissions divided per driver (mobility, waste, energy, etc.), the planned reduction, and an overview of the actions that come with it. You will also be able to showcase the essence of your company, by highlighting your team, mission, and vision, and the motivation behind your carbon strategy.


2. Key findings

This section delves into a more in-depth presentation of the carbon footprint. You can show your footprint by scope and driver, as well as a year-over-year comparison and the main sources of emissions. All this is showcased through dynamic and easy-to-read graphs.


3. Reduction strategy

Here, you will show your action plan to reduce your carbon footprint. You can visualise your company’s reduction targets, the actions you’ve decided to implement and their progress.



Customise (almost) anything you want


The new Carbon Strategy Page has an increased level of customisation. Whether you’re just starting your greenhouse gas reduction journey or you’re a veteran in the field, you can adapt the page to your needs while providing transparent and insightful information to your audience. In other words, you will be able to decide which piece of information among those mentioned above you want to hide. 

However, it’s important to note that transparency remains a core value. While you can customise and eventually choose to hide some sections, you can’t omit every piece of information. For example:

  • If the user wants to show doughnut charts, they won’t be able to hide their total emissions;
  • If the user wants to share information about their action plan, they won’t be able to hide their total emissions either;
  • If the user wants to show the progress of their action plan, they will have to show actions that still need to be completed, ongoing, and completed, not just the completed ones.



Explore an ecosystem of partners


A company’s strength lies in creating links with its ecosystem. That’s why we’ve decided to showcase Tapio’s ecosystem in this new version of the CSP.

You can now specify the author of the carbon report (Tapio or one of our partners) and navigate between CSP pages. This way, your CSP will not be an isolated piece of information but part of a transition landscape in a sustainable ecosystem.



In Conclusion


Many companies need help finding a balance between greenwashing and greenhushing. The new Carbon Strategy Page helps you communicate your carbon strategy clearly, transparently, and scientifically.



Do you want to know more about the new CSP?